Hand sanitizing fixture honored for superior infectious disease control
JULY 28, 2022 — DALLAS — Occupational Health & Safety Magazine today honored Vaask® with its New Product of the Year Award, recognizing the hand sanitizing fixture for superior infectious disease control.
The 14th annual awards honor “the outstanding product development achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products are considered particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve workplace safety.”
As our hands transmit 80% of illnesses, workplaces with good hand hygiene practices experience far fewer illness-related absences. Built to last, Vaask offers an easy, effective and inexpensive hand sanitizing solution.
Developed with healthcare industry professionals, the U.S.-manufactured fixtures features:
- AC power or PoE. No batteries needed.
- Cast aluminum casing and a five-year warranty
- PalmPilot® sensor that detects hand’s location
- Large-capacity tank you can refill with any sanitizing gel, saving you more than 50% on monthly costs
- Customizable colors, metals and graphics
“The world is entering into the new phase of the pandemic, one where supply chain shortages and economic challenges threaten innovation,” Occupational Health & Safety Editor Sydny Shepard said. “However, it appears these hurdles are not changing the way the safety industry continues to show up with new products and solutions that keep employees safe.”
When a hand sanitizing fixture makes people want to use it not just to keep themselves and others healthy, but for the experience alone, then they’re going to use it more regularly — whether anyone’s watching them or not. And that helps make every one of us healthier.
Click here to learn more about the honor for Vaask.
Click here to see Vaask in action.