Here are 10 reasons why 77% of people report traditional hand sanitizer dispensers to be empty. At Vaask, we’ve solved this problem with our online dashboard that automatically alerts maintenance staff when it’s time to refill. Jon Olsen | Vaask Founder A travel blogger recently addressed the question most of us have asked ourselves at one time or another: Why are hand sanitizer dispensers so often empty? The article was listed under the category “humor,” but it’s no laughing matter. Given the fact that 80% of illnesses are spread by our hands, it does not bode well when a just-published study in the American Journal of Infection Control found 77% of people reported dispensers empty. Why is that? The blogger offered no explanation, instead merely noting the phenomenon: “It’s not just hotels, airports and planes. My grocery store seems to think these hand sanitizing stations are simply decorations. I recently found two of them empty at my church … I hope no one was waiting for a miracle.” Here at Vaask, we’ve solved this problem. Not only do our touchless hand sanitizing dispensers have an LED panel that indicates when sanitizer is low, but we now offer an app and online dashboard that automatically alert maintenance staff when levels are low. Because we sell directly to customers, we learn about their unique spaces and issues. Here are 10 reasons why sanitizer is frequently hard to find with traditional dispensers. Vaask provides the solutions to all these problems. But the dispenser’s most important feature doesn’t only remedy the perennially empty problem, it also solves the bigger hand hygiene problem. By making hand sanitizing an inviting, pleasant experience, Vaask encourages us all to use it regularly and lead cleaner, healthier lives. Ready to see Vaask in action? Sign up for a product demo.